Not everything that you find can you keep. The duty is to safeguard and return.

  Lost and found   Ex 23: 3-7 Exo 23:3 And you shall not favor the lowly in his lawsuit.   Exo 23:4 When you happen on the ox of your enemy, or his wandering ass, returning you shall return it to him.   Exo 23:5 When you see the ass of one who hates…

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Forgiveness: YHWH Loves Your enemies too ,not just you, silly. LOL

The issue is forgiveness. As recipients of the best gift of all the grace wherein we stand as believers and followers of the risen Messiah Yahushua we have great duty in regards to forgiving those that cause us injury and oppress up. The forgiveness must be genuine and from the heart in each and every…

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What is God’s word on lawful money? What is Lawful money and why should we use it?

Titles of the Law of The Creator YHWH Section 36 Just Weights and Measures Front cover There is a difference between “paying for” something and “discharging a debt in equity”. To pay for something means to completely destroy the debt. Paid in full. (the Messiah Paid the debt in full and the debt is completely…

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