YHWH’s idea about what is Food and what is NOT food.:)

Titles of the Law of The Creator YHWH Section 48 Food Law Preface Credits: This document represents one (1) section of eighty four 84 chapters that are contained in the Scripture. This document is not complete and may never be complete because often times I read the same verse and I learn something new or…

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Wheatgrass growing instructions

Good morning my Friends. Today I am going to publish my Wheatgrass growing instructions.  When the Creator of the Universe and all that is therein he made grass. he specifically mentions grass of the field in the Creation week. From my understanding God, His Hebrew name being,  YHWH,  has set up this universe with laws…

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Congress declared The Scripture The Word Of GOD!

  CONGRESS DECLARES BIBLE “THE WORD OF GOD”   PUBLIC LAW 97-280–OCT.4, 1982   Public Law 97-280 96 STAT. 1211   Joint Resolution Authorizing and requesting the President to proclaim 1983 as the “Year of the Bible”.   Whereas the Bible, the Word of God, has made a unique contribution in shaping the United States…

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What is God’s word on lawful money? What is Lawful money and why should we use it?

Titles of the Law of The Creator YHWH Section 36 Just Weights and Measures Front cover There is a difference between “paying for” something and “discharging a debt in equity”. To pay for something means to completely destroy the debt. Paid in full. (the Messiah Paid the debt in full and the debt is completely…

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Sabbath book. (Prove all things for yourselves, Folks).

Sabbath Front cover This is a controversial issue and “If you decide to keep the challenge you will be stand out like a sore thumb” says Mark Woodman. Dr. Martin Luther King once wrote: “Cowardice asks the question: Is it safe? Expediency asks the question is it politics. Vanity asks the question is it popular?…

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Dr. Martin Luth…

Dr. Martin Luther King once wrote: “Cowardice asks the question: Is it safe? Expediency asks the question is it politics. Vanity asks the question is it popular? But conscience asks the question: Is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe nor politic, nor popular, but…

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Foundational information. What is God’s law?

  Titles of YHWH’s Law.     Laying the framework for understanding the Law of God   When I speak about the law that was given to Moses, the first response I get from most Christians is that of disgust because many have the concept in their mind that God has done away with the…

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